Journal of Socio-Educational Dynamics - JSED

ISSN: Pending

Effectiveness of Sourcing Process of Supply Chain Management in a Textile and Apparel Industries of Bangladesh: A Comparative Case Study

Authors: Quazi Ashfaq Uddin Shakir, Refat Alam
Keywords: Supply Chain, RMG, Effective Sourcing, Textile and Apparel Industry, Sourcing in Supply Chain
Abstract: This research aims to study the supply chain dynamics of the Bangladesh RMG industry, pinpointing factors that influence its performance. Using a mixed-methods approach, we surveyed various industry stakeholders—suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers—to uncover challenges in material sourcing. Key findings reveal significant disparities in sourcing practices among garment companies and identify hurdles such as supply chain opacity, communication breakdowns, and coordination lapses. To bolster the industry's global standing and meet organizational objectives, we advocate for enhanced transparency, better stakeholder communication, and improved coordination. Ultimately, our research underscores the pivotal role of efficient material sourcing in the industry's success and suggests avenues for future exploration, like the role of technology in refining sourcing methods.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8428590
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