Journal of Socio-Educational Dynamics - JSED

ISSN: 3005-6608

Journal Title Journal of Socio-Educational Dynamics - JSED Journal Cover
Subjects Multidisciplinary
Language English
Frequency Monthly
Publisher Sanguine Publications
Editor-in-chief Dr. Prakash Palanivelu

The Journal of Socio-Educational Dynamics (JSED) is committed to advancing the interdisciplinary exploration of the intricate relationships between society, education, and the multifaceted dynamics that intertwine them. Our mission is to provide a robust platform for scholars, educators, policymakers, and professionals to share groundbreaking research, foster meaningful discourse, and contribute to informed decision-making in socio-educational realms.

Peer Review Process:
At JSED, we uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and rigor. To this end, all submissions undergo a thorough double-blind peer review process. In this system, both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other, ensuring an unbiased and impartial review. The process aims to provide constructive feedback, enhancing the quality and depth of the research presented.

Manuscripts are first assessed for their alignment with the journal's scope and basic scholarly standards. Those deemed suitable are then reviewed by at least two experts in the relevant field. Based on the feedback received, the editorial team makes a decision—be it acceptance, revision, or rejection—and communicates this to the authors along with the reviewers' comments.

We believe that this rigorous double-blind peer review process guarantees the excellence of the articles published in JSED, reinforcing our commitment to the academic community and the broader public we serve.
Icon 1 Downloads Icon 2 Citation metrics Icon 3 Speed/acceptance
* * 2 days avg. from submission to first decision
* 5 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
* 15 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
Understanding and using journal metrics
Journal metrics can be a useful tool for readers, as well as for authors who are deciding where to submit their next manuscript for publication. However, any one metric only tells a part of the story of a journal’s quality and impact. Each metric has its limitations which means that it should never be considered in isolation, and metrics should be used to support and not replace qualitative review. We strongly recommend that you always use a number of metrics, alongside other qualitative factors such as a journal’s aims & scope, its readership, and a review of past content published in the journal. In addition, a single article should always be assessed on its own merits and never based on the metrics of the journal it was published in. For more details, please read the Author Services guide to understanding journal metrics.

Journal metrics in brief
Usage and acceptance rate data above are for the last full calendar year and are updated annually in February. Speed data is updated every six months, based on the prior six months. Citation metrics are updated annually mid-year. Please note that some journals do not display all of the following metrics (find out why). Usage: the total number of times articles in the journal were viewed by users of Taylor & Francis Online in the previous calendar year, rounded to the nearest thousand.

Citation Metrics
Impact Factor*: the average number of citations received by articles published in the journal within a two-year window. Only journals in the Clarivate Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) or Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) have an Impact Factor. Impact Factor Best Quartile*: the journal’s highest subject category ranking in the Journal Citation Reports. Q1 = 25% of journals with the highest Impact Factors. 5 Year Impact Factor*: the average number of citations received by articles in the journal within a five-year window. CiteScore (Scopus)†: the average number of citations received by articles in the journal over a four-year period. CiteScore Best Quartile†: the journal’s highest CiteScore ranking in a Scopus subject category. Q1 = 25% of journals with the highest CiteScores. SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper): the number of citations per paper in the journal, divided by citation potential in the field. SJR (Scimago Journal Rank): Average number of (weighted) citations in one year, divided by the number of articles published in the journal in the previous three years. Speed/acceptance From submission to first decision: the average (median) number of days for a manuscript submitted to the journal to receive a first decision. Based on manuscripts receiving a first decision in the last six months. From submission to first post-review decision: the average (median) number of days for a manuscript submitted to the journal to receive a first decision if it is sent out for peer review. Based on manuscripts receiving a post-review first decision in the last six months. From acceptance to online publication: the average (median) number of days from acceptance of a manuscript to online publication of the Version of Record. Based on articles published in the last six months. Acceptance rate: articles accepted for publication by the journal in the previous calendar year as percentage of all papers receiving a final decision. For more details on the data above, please read the Author Services guide to understanding journal metrics.

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  • Social Science: Investigating societal structures, relationships, and cultural paradigms that influence and are influenced by education.
  • Political Science: Analyzing the interplay between governance, policy-making, and educational systems.
  • Educational Technology: Exploring the transformative impact of technology on learning landscapes and societal evolution.
  • Curriculum Development: Illuminating the processes, challenges, and innovations in crafting curricula that respond to societal needs.
  • Educational Psychology: Understanding the cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of learning in diverse societal contexts.
  • Education Policy: Examining the policies and frameworks that shape educational trajectories and their societal implications.
  • Business Studies: Delving into the dynamics of organizational structures, market behaviors, and entrepreneurial strategies, and how they intersect with educational practices and societal progress.
At JSED, we believe in the power of knowledge to catalyze positive societal change. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity, inclusivity, and transparency. Our rigorous peer-review process ensures that every article we publish adds value to the global knowledge pool, fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth.

Commitment to Open Access:
The Journal of Socio-Educational Dynamics (JSED) firmly believes in the transformative power of open access in academic publishing. We are committed to making all our content freely available to researchers, educators, policymakers, and the general public, ensuring that the fruits of research and scholarly discourse are accessible to all, regardless of economic barriers.

Benefits of Open Access:
  • Wider Dissemination: Open access ensures that JSED articles reach the broadest possible audience, maximizing their impact and influence.
  • Increased Visibility: Articles published under open access are more likely to be cited, enhancing the recognition and reputation of authors.
  • Public Engagement: By allowing unrestricted access, JSED facilitates a more informed public discourse, bridging the gap between academia and society.
  • Collaborative Potential: Free access fosters collaboration among researchers worldwide, catalyzing innovation and interdisciplinary exploration.

All articles published in JSED are licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY)]. This license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Archiving and Preservation:
JSED ensures the long-term preservation of its digital archive by collaborating with reputable archiving solutions. This ensures that all articles remain available for future generations of researchers and educators.
Article Processing Charges (APCs):
JSED is committed to the principle of open access. While there are no fees for submission, an Article Publishing Charge (APC) 30 US Dollar applies upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication.
Supporting Open Access:
By choosing to publish with JSED, authors champion the open access movement, contributing to a global shift towards more transparent, inclusive, and collaborative academic publishing.

The Journal of Socio-Educational Dynamics (JSED) is committed to the interdisciplinary exploration of socio-educational research. We welcome scholars, educators, and researchers to contribute their valuable findings to our academic community. Adherence to these guidelines will ensure a seamless submission and review process.

Types of Manuscripts Accepted:
  • Articles: Comprehensive research papers that delve deep into specific areas within the scope of JSED, presenting new findings, methodologies, or insights.
  • Reviews: Scholarly assessments that address recent developments in relevant socio-educational topics, providing a synthesized view of the current state of knowledge and suggesting potential directions for future research.
Manuscript Preparation:
Title Page: Should include the title of the manuscript, author names, affiliations, and corresponding author details.
Abstract: A concise summary of the research, not exceeding 250 words.
Keywords: 4-6 keywords that best represent the content of the paper.
Main Text: Manuscripts should maintain a clear structure, typically comprising an introduction, methodology, results, and discussion.
Figures & Tables: Clearly labeled and referenced within the text.
References: Citations should follow the APA style.
Style and Formatting:
Language: Authors can choose either American or British English. However, consistency must be maintained throughout the manuscript.
Word Limit: There is no upper word limit for submissions, but all manuscripts must be a minimum of 3,000 words.
Font & Spacing: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced.
Data and Supplementary Materials:
Authors are encouraged to make data sets, research instruments, and source texts available, provided there are no ethical concerns or copyright restrictions.
Submission Process:
Submit your manuscript through the JSED online portal. Upon submission, manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process, and authors are kept informed at each stage.

The Manuscript Template is available HERE

Submission Guidelines for JSED:
To ensure a smooth and efficient review process, authors are requested to adhere to the following submission guidelines:
Submission System: All manuscripts must be submitted using the online submission system available on this website.
File Requirements: Authors should prepare two separate files:
Main Manuscript File: This file should contain the title, abstract, and the main content of the manuscript, ensuring that there is no mention of the authors' names or affiliations to maintain the integrity of the double-blind peer review process.
Author Details File: This file should only contain the paper title, author names, and their respective affiliations.
File Formats: Manuscripts can be submitted in PDF format.
Formatting: Authors need not worry about adhering to any specific formatting guidelines during submission. Upon acceptance, JSED will provide professional formatting services free of charge, ensuring consistency and adherence to our publication standards.
We encourage authors to review our detailed author guidelines and peer review process before submission to ensure their work aligns with JSED's standards and ethos.
Publication Ethics:
JSED maintains a strict stance against plagiarism. All submissions will be checked for originality. Authors must also disclose any potential conflicts of interest and adhere to ethical standards concerning research involving human or animal subjects.
Open Access and Fees:
JSED is committed to the principle of open access. While there are no fees for submission, an Article Publishing Charge (APC) of 30 USD applies upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication.
Once published, authors can access and share their article via the JSED platform. We also encourage authors to promote their work on academic and social platforms to increase visibility.
Queries and Support:
For any questions regarding the submission process, manuscript status, or any other concerns, please contact the JSED editorial team.
1. Introduction:
Reviewers play a pivotal role in the scholarly publishing process. Your objective, critical, and timely review is essential to uphold the quality of JSED. Please read the following guidelines to assist you in conducting your review.

2. Initial Assessment:
Before delving into the details of the manuscript:
Ensure the article fits within the scope of JSED.
Check for any potential conflict of interest.
Assess the originality and significance of the manuscript.

3. Confidentiality:
All manuscripts sent for review are confidential. They should not be discussed with anyone outside the review process.

4. Review Structure:
Abstract: Does it clearly state the research's objective, methodology, results, and significance?
Introduction: Is the background literature appropriately cited? Are the objectives clear?
Methodology: Is the methodology sound? Are there any gaps?
Results: Are the results presented clearly? Are they supported by the data?
Discussion & Conclusion: Are the results discussed in the context of the existing literature? Does the conclusion draw together the main points made?

5. Check for:
Originality: Is the content novel?
Relevance: Is the manuscript relevant to the current trends in the field?
References: Are they recent and appropriately used?
Ethical Issues: Ensure the manuscript adheres to ethical standards, especially if human subjects are involved.

6. Constructive Feedback:
Provide specific comments that can help improve the manuscript.
Avoid vague statements. Instead, be clear about what needs to be addressed.
Suggest additional references if relevant.

7. Recommendations:
After your review, please provide one of the following recommendations:
Accept without any changes.
Accept with minor revisions.
Re-review after major revisions.

8. Timeliness:
Please try to complete your review within the specified time frame. If you need more time, inform the editorial office.

9. Final Report:
Submit your review report using the JSED reviewer portal, attaching any additional documents if needed.

10. Post-Review:
Avoid discussing the manuscript after submitting your review.
Once the paper is published, avoid citing unpublished versions.

11. Continuous Learning:
As the field is continuously evolving, stay updated with the latest research trends and reviewing techniques.

Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the Journal of Socio-Educational Dynamics (JSED) and the broader academic community. Your expertise ensures the journal maintains its high standards of excellence.

For submitting your paper to the Journal of Socio-Educational Dynamics (JSED), please ensure to send the following documents to our submission email:

Author Information: This file should contain only the paper title and the list of authors with their respective affiliations.
Manuscript: This file should have the paper title and the full manuscript, ensuring no author information is included within this document.

Please make sure you name the documents "Author Information" and "Manuscript"
Please note:
Both the above-mentioned files should be in either .docx or .pdf format.
There's no specific formatting requirement for the manuscript at the time of submission.
Your adherence to these guidelines will expedite the review process. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions.
Thank you for considering JSED for your publication.

Best Regards,
Journal of Socio-Educational Dynamics (JSED) Team